Hello world!
It's amazing how much I really do miss you all when I have no time to read all your posts. I realized today how exciting it is to be able to sit in one location in the world, write an update on life, and have people thousands of miles away be able to know what's going on! I am becoming quite a blog advocate, I must say: I talked to my friend Ellyn this week and told her that she should get a blog! Ellyn is so thoughful, inquisitive, well-spoken, and really loves communicating through writing--it would be such a treat to read her blog. C'mon Ellyn...BLOG!
On that note: yoo-hoo, dear sister--where are your blog updates?? I am WAITING (I'm so clever--that's the name of her blog).
It's amazing how much I really do miss you all when I have no time to read all your posts. I realized today how exciting it is to be able to sit in one location in the world, write an update on life, and have people thousands of miles away be able to know what's going on! I am becoming quite a blog advocate, I must say: I talked to my friend Ellyn this week and told her that she should get a blog! Ellyn is so thoughful, inquisitive, well-spoken, and really loves communicating through writing--it would be such a treat to read her blog. C'mon Ellyn...BLOG!
On that note: yoo-hoo, dear sister--where are your blog updates?? I am WAITING (I'm so clever--that's the name of her blog).
Ok, SO, where to begin? First: If you are looking for a good chuckle this morning, check out this post by JUST A GIRL IN A CITY. I truly did LOL. Second: my friend Carly has been participating in the Rice&Beans Challenge where participants eat nothing but, well, rice and beans for the month of March! Listen to her update at her awesome blog: Random Nuggets, for now. Inspirational and hysterical :)
As for me, let's see, what can I tell you? ... O, how about this...
SPRING BREAK IS IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously might die of anticipation before the week's end. Would you like to know what I am doing? Of course you would! That's why you read my blog :)
Friday, March 19--I leave Portland at 5:30pm, take a roundabout flight to Seattle, and fly into San Diego at 10:45pm, where I will be picked up by a group of my girlfriends for a weekend of chaos/relaxation/reconnection/craziness.
Sunday, March 21--I will begin my trek home, undoubtedly stopping in Temecula to see my dearest, her sisters, and her boytoy. She is the cheese to my macaroni ♥
Monday, March 22 - Thursday, March 25--Home sweet home :) Looking forward to some quality time with my family, visiting my sister at APU, and spending a day visiting my P-dine/Malibu/Young Life friends. Did I mention my love affair I will undoubtedly have with the sunshine?
Friday, March 26--I leave Los Angeles at 3:10pm, take a roundabout flight to San Jose, and fly into Sacramento at 6:55pm, where I will be picked up by some of my wonderful camp friends from this summer! It will be a weekend of reconnection/craziness/relaxation/chaos (you get the jist).
Sunday, March 28--I leave Sacramento at 4:10pm and arrive back in Portland at 5:50pm. Hasta la vista spring break :(
Already over before it's even begun? Sigh...I'll be California dreamin' in the meantime.
Song of the Day: "A Little More Country Than That," by Easton Corbin. Guess who has a new crush??
mmm please post more love!! i miss you :)