A brief update my friends! This week is absolutely NUTS for me:
My case study is TOMORROW--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am presenting on a patient with lupus nephritis and I have been swamped in her life for the last 3 weeks. So glad it is going to be over tomorrow at 3:00 PM...pray for me!
I start my pediatric rotation on Tuesday, which includes a 5 page study guide that is TAKING FOREVER--I spent 2 hours on it yesterday and got done with 1/2 a page :/ Crap...
Wednesday night, my research group and I are exhibiting a poster at the Portland Dietetic Association meeting on the project we have been working on since January: Standards for Evaluating Obesity in Kidney Transplant Candidates. We still need to put the poster together...Crap...
Friends, by Friday, I will be on SERIOUS cruise control, with a couple of papers to write and some loose ends to tie up. And guess what? Next week is the LAST week of May :) :) :) :) :)
In other news, I have deactivated my Facebook account (see my last post). It was necessary. When I needed breaks this weekend, I caught up on Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC.com. Seriously? If you haven't watched this show, you absolutely should. It is a fascinating look at health in America. WOW.
It is likely the next time I update you all, I will be destressing just a little bit. Until then, see today's picture...
In honor of the craziness, you should check out: "Eight Second Ride," by Jake Owen. It's a kickass song, FO' REALS!
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